20 Ways On How To Instantly SPEED UP Your WordPress Website

By | May 4, 2021

20 Ways On How To Instantly SPEED UP Your WordPress Website – https://www.wplearning101.com/how-to-speed-up-wordpress-website-tutorial-videos-for-beginners

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Tip #1. Follow the Google PageSpeed Insights Optimization Suggestions.
Type in the address of the webpage you want to analyze. Then wait for Google’s optimization suggestions. Work on all given suggestions.

Tip #2. Choose a Good Web Host.

Know your website needs and analyze the best web hosting plan that will fulfill all your requirements.

Tip #3. Use a Caching WordPress Plugin if you’re on WordPress.
Caching plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache WordPress Plugin makes it easy for you to enable caching without touching any line of code.

Tip #4. Leverage Browser Caching.

If you’ve got a static HTML website, you can edit the .htaccess file to leverage browser caching.

Tip #5. Optimize Images for the Web.

Website-ready images are not the same as print-ready images. Website images need to have smaller file sizes, so it doesn’t weigh down page loading times.

Tip #6. Reduce Your Image Resolution.

You don’t need 5000 pixels for your images, most computer screens are only 1920 pixels wide. Resize your image resolution to 2000 pixels or less.

Tip #7. Use Appropriate Image File Type.

The appropriate image type will make sure your image quality remains good while also ensuring the file size remains acceptable.

Tip #8. Compress Your Website Images for the Web.

Compressing images mean removing all unnecessary metadata and unused color profiles in image files which results in smaller file sizes.

Tip #9. Use an Image Compression WordPress Plugin.

The top image compression plugin for WordPress sites is WP Smush. It’s fast, free, and it works in the background.

Tip #10. Minify your HTML, CSS and JavaScript Codes.

Minification basically removes all unnecessary characters in your code. It translates to smaller file sizes which then helps your site load faster.

Tip #11. Use Gzip Compression.

With Gzip, your server no longer has to serve individual website files to browsers. It will send all the files in one zipped file instead.

Tip #12. Use A Content Delivery Network.

A cached copy of your website files will be served to your website visitors from a server physically closest to their location.

Tip #13. Work on Pingdom’s Highly Actionable Suggestions to Speed Up your Site.

Find out which parts of your site you need to work on. Check Pingdom’s waterfall chart for more detailed analysis.

Tip #14. Host Your Videos Elsewhere.

Videos have big file sizes. It’s best to host it on YouTube or Vimeo instead of uploading it to your site.

Tip #15. Use a Fast WordPress Theme.

The lighter the theme, the faster it will be. Choose the fastest theme that will also satisfy your website design needs.

Tip #16. Clean Up Your WordPress Database

Use a database-optimizing WordPress plugin to clean up your database and make your website load faster.

Tip #17. Disable Hotlinking of Images.

People who hotlink to your content are not just stealing your content, but are also stealing your bandwidth resources which can slow your site down.

Tip #18. Remove All Unnecessary WordPress Plugins,

because The more WordPress plugins you have on your website, the more HTTP requests it makes to your server. Keep only the essential WordPress plugins.

Tip #19. Reduce the Number of Redirects.

If you have a redirect chain happening on your website, you need to clean it up, so it does not affect your site’s load times.

Tip #20. Use A Lazy Loading WordPress Plugin.

Instead of downloading all your website files at once, a lazy loading WordPress plugin will prioritize your above-the-fold content. This makes your website load faster on people’s browsers.

We hope you enjoyed these 20 tips on how to speed up your WordPress website.

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