How To Design Your Niche Brand Marketing Content System for Maximum Conversion

By | February 2, 2021

How To Design Your Niche Brand Marketing Content System for Maximum Conversion –

Keep in mind that, at this point, your niche brand marketing system has three structural parts: your website, social media accounts and your mailing list. The problem is if you stop here, you’re going to fail. Why? You built the container, but you still have to come up with the content of that container.

This is where creating a niche content system comes in. It has to be a system. It can’t be just stuff that you come up with randomly to fill out your website. That’s not going to work.

Key Content Strategies

Niche Specificity Builds Authority

The first content strategy you’re going to focus on is niche specificity. Everything that you include in your blog or your website has to be directly related to your target niche. The more specific you are, the more authoritative and credible your online property becomes.

Remember the people who visit your website are not there to screw around. They’re not doing it for their health. It’s not like they have nothing else better to do.

They’re there because they have certain needs. It’s your job to meet those needs.
Otherwise, you don’t develop a brand.

Adapt Your Content to Target Different Platforms

It’s really important to make sure that you don’t just produce one type of content. When you create content, it must be converted into a format that can be promoted on different platforms. For example, if you have a blog, you can promote the blog’s link on Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

However, don’t stop with blog posts. You can convert that post into a video. Maybe it’s a whiteboard with some sort of voiceover and animation. Once you’ve converted your content into video, you then access Vimeo or YouTube. You can get traffic from those places.

You can also look at your content and strip them into small questions and promote on places like Quora.

I hope you get the point. You have to start with content that is directly related to your niche, but create different formats of that content so as to widen the places you can distribute that content on.

Maximize Dwell Time

Another key content strategy that you have to totally wrap your mind around involves the concept of dwell time. When you get people to visit your website, try to get them to stay for as long as possible. In other words, try to get them to “dwell” on your content. How come?

First of all, Google’s algorithm rewards websites that hold people for a longer
period of time. If, for example, your website shows up in search results and a
person clicks and takes a long time to get back to Google, Google’s algorithm is set
up to reward your site and punish websites that people bounce out of

In Google’s estimation, the searcher found what he or she was looking for on your website that’s why they stuck around for quite some time.

The second advantage of dwell time involves branding. The more you get people to click page after page of your website, the more you brand them.

The more you establish in their minds your authority and credibility. This leads to increasing levels of trust. You might even convince them to come back or, better yet, refer other people to your site.

Finally, when you maximize dwell time, you walk the reader through the KLT process. This process is generally associated with sales. To get somebody to buy something from you, you must get them to trust you. However, for that trust to happen, they must like the option that you put on the table.

Unfortunately, for that to happen, something else has to happen first. They must first feel that you know enough about their problem for them to like the solution that you’re pushing. This is the KLT process. Know, Like, Trust.

When you interlink your content in a very thorough way, you basically get the person to cycle through the different pieces of content you have. This gives them a good understanding of your expertise.

This builds up enough trust in their minds that there’s a good likelihood they may end up on a page that contains ads that would convert them. You increase the chances of this happening if you maximize dwell time.

Website Strategy

When it comes to housing your content, your website must be optimized for two things: ad placement and text link placement. Ad placement means that your ads must look like a form of content.

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